
creative smoke_29290 - original - CopieKelley
Submitted on 2014/01/29 at 23:38

Jules! Let me first say, as many, many others have already–you are a wonderful person to help all of us get rid of this nasty pest. Here’s my story: two years ago, at the end of 2012, my husband came home and told me that one of his friends had bed bugs in his house and was getting the house sprayed. I thought at the time, “uh, oh. . .it might be only a matter of time before they get over here!” Sure enough, my husband continued to go over to his friend’s house (his friend was convinced that the spraying worked and he critters were gone) and starting at the end of *this* past summer, August 2013, I started noticing that I was getting bug bites. Given that it was summertime, and the bites were itchy, I just chalked it up to mosquitoes, but I was really concerned because I was getting bit on a regular basis, which had never happened before. My husband, however, was not getting bit. Anyway, I continued to experience bites all the way up into early November–it was at that point that I knew this had to be more than mosquitoes, because the weather was getting cold and I’ve never received mosquito bites that late in the year. So, I began to research about bed bugs, and sure enough, that’s what it was. We saw two of their droppings in the folds of our mattress, and we actually caught about 8 of them once we really looked around the mattress. We didn’t see very many at all, and we looked all over the box spring. Boy, was I freaked out–and I was still getting bites. So, I really started to look for ways to eradicate them and was very discouraged because I was reading how everything had to be thrown out and I had to pay big money to an exterminator. We even tried a spray that we bought at a hardware store (we used it frequently on the mattress and boxspring). AND THEN I FOUND YOU—THANK GOD!!!!!!!!! I read as much as I could from your websites and studied your YouTube videos. My husband and I went out and spent a total of $25 to get all of the suggested tools for the bedbug barrier and the traps and carefully followed all your instructions. LO AND BEHOLD–THE BITES STOPPED IMMEDIATELY!!!! And I have not been bitten since (it is now the end of January!) I do have a question: we never caught any bugs in the traps. I used the big two liter bottles, which did not fit under the bed, so I put the four of them next to each leg of the bed. I’m thinking I may need to switch up and use smaller traps. However, it’s been two months since I’ve been bitten. Do you think we still need traps? I used one set of traps for three weeks, and emptied them out, but haven’t replaced them yet. How much longer should we sleep on the plastic? Do you think those nasty bugs are dead yet?

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