Bedbug Phobia

Bedbugs cause emotional distress

Treatment & Cure of Insect Phobia. What works. What doesn’t.

There are several methods offered to overcome insect phobia. Read what works, what doesn’t and what risks making it worse.

What harm do bedbugs do besides being annoying?

Bedbugs can do harm to some people in various ways. Although the bedbug itself does not pass on any diseases when sucking a person’s blood like mosquitoes or fleas can, some people can be affected in other ways after bedbug visits. Some are allergic to the coagulant bedbugs inject into your bloodstream before they have their blood meal off you, and with some this allergic reaction can cause painful and unsightly rashes to develop all over their body.
Other people after a bedbug has had a meal of them find they itch madly,when the numbing effect of the anaesthetic the bedbug injected into them prior to its meal wears off. This can cause an urge to scratch frantically to try to get relief sometimes when still asleep or else after they wake up. This can perhaps lead to them opening unwittingly opening a wound in their limb and then possibly scratching dirt into the wound leading to the possibility of blood poisoning,
Another harm can be anaemia, due loss of the haemoglobin in the blood taken away by the bedbugs, which everybody needs to transport oxygen from their lungs to the tissues. In very extreme cases a person sleeping in a very heavily bedbug infested area, this resultant reduced oxygen carrying inside them can lead to fatigue and breathlessness possibly causing headaches, bleeding gums, nose bleeds and increased susceptibility to infections.
Bedbugs can also cause some people considerable negative emotional stress and insomnia, so perhaps badly affecting their performance at work in the day time, making them very bad tempered as well perhaps as causing health and safety dangers like proneness to falling asleep while driving or operating dangerous machinery at workplace.
But overall the after effect of having bedbugs in bed does vary a lot from person to person. These sorts of nasty problems may affect only the few, whereas there are many who are almost totally unaffected by having bedbugs in their bed.
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