Bedbug Barriers

Look at those filament hooks at the end of the bedbug’s legs. They are the secret on how to make bedbug barriers.

Bedbugs can climb on anything with asperities, wood, fabric and clothing are bedbug friendly. They have a hard time on smooth surfaces like porcelain or glass and also polished metal.

Bedbug Barriers are vertical surfaces too slippery for bedbugs to climb on.

Bedbugs lose their grip and fall to the floor where the Co2 Traps are waiting for them.


  • Clear 1/2″ tape or larger-___ (Too smooth for bedbugs to hook in and climb vertically on the  shiny side)

Common 1/2″ or 3/4″ scotch tape on top of  painter’s tape to protect the paint.

  • (Adult bedbugs are less than 1/4″ and  the shiny side of common clear scotch tape is too smooth for bedbugs to hook into and be able to climb up. )

Very useful to make barriers or interceptors on the legs of the bed and around the base of the furniture.

Also used to make barriers around the room where you want to keep bedbugs from going.

around light switches, thermostats and electrical outlets

on the ceiling

with or without painter’s tape underneath it to remove it easily later

Talcum powder ___ (makes any smooth surface too slippery for bedbugs to climb on)

Painter’s Plastic  *** A major component to stop and eliminate the bedbugs in the bed

  • Used over any item (couch, recliner, double beds, upholstered furniture…etc) to stop bedbug bites
  • Used to encase articles in plastic and kill bedbugs with dry ice.



Part of the bedbug problem comes from the fact that bedbugs are free to come and go at will.  Barriers are needed to keep the bedbug from going places where we do not want them to go such as in the furniture, in our belongings, on the walls to get into trims, light switches, thermostats, picture frames or anything they can hide in, on the ceiling to drop off on the bed,etc.

The objective is to keep bed bugs on the floor with easy access to the traps for their last meal.

Another objective is to be discreet is waging the battle. Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is very messy, slow to kill, and bed bugs will avoid piles of it.

At all times, the cost and effectiveness is at the top of the list.

Bedbugs are classified as crawlers but they are not, bedbugs are climbers with hooks at the end of their legs to give them a grip. They find it very easy to climb on wood, fabric, clothes, anything with asperities that they can hang from. Smooth surfaces are more difficult and they slip and fall off more often on them. Glass, porcelain, polished metal, smooth and shiny plastics are natural bedbug barriers because bedbugs cannot hook into them or only with difficulties. The smoother the surface is, the more difficult it is for the bedbug to hang to it.


Scotch tape btushed with talcum powder makes the best bedbug barriers.  The tape is so slick that bedbugs can only climb up on it at a 90 angle with a great deal of work, losing their grip and falling off them most of the time. At 180 degree nobedbug can hang on. Use a strip of scotch tape all along the perimeter of the ceiling to prevent their access to your bed by dropping. The top shiny side is so smooth bed bugs cannot grip especially with the added benefit of gravity. Painter’s tape applied first to the ceiling will protect the paint.  Place the Scotch tape on the painters tape.  The strip does not have to be any wider than one-half inch.

Scotch tape will also stop bedbugs from going up the wall from the floor. A strip of Scotch tape placed on the wall above the baseboard of the walls and over heaters will keep any bedbug from climbing any further up because bedbugs are not be able to climb on it or only with great difficulties.  To completely cover the possibility of the bugs climbing the wall,  brush talcum powder to the shiny side of the tape once it is in place., Bedbugs can’t cross that.

Scotch Tape and clear packaging tape, dusted with talcum powder can be applied to endless items in your entire home.

  • Place strips of scotch tape on the legs of furniture, such as chairs, tables, stands, etc.
  • Wrap packaging tape dusted with talcum powder around bed legs, with or without interceptors.
  • ————————————————————————————–


Sunday 2012.07.29


What a concept, “normal” life.

It took me a while to come back and from my obsession with bedbugs, I might never get over it. If I can put things back in place, bed against the wall as before and everything else it is because I know I do not have bedbugs and I can catch them if they ever come back.

I do not fear the bedbug anymore and never will. I can defeat the undefeatable bedbug at will and there is not a single situation, even long distance where I will not win. Without the nightmare it brings, the bedbug is just an insect, a mere annoyance not worth all the problems it causes.

The bedbug scare is blown out of proportion is by those who profit from it and that’s what we are stuck with, misinformation for the sake of a business.. If you get rid of the scare, both the bedbug and the poison pusher lose their power. The old saying, “… don’t let the bedbug bite” regains all its meaning and we can come back to normal life knowing that no insect can survive if we do not feed them.


Part of the bedbug problem comes from the fact that bedbugs are free to come and go at will. There are no bedbug barriers not even poison which is used for prevention and causes bedbug adaptation and resistance, the pesticide escalation.

Barriers are needed to keep the bedbug from going places where we do not want them to go, in the furniture, in our belongings, on the walls to get into trims, light switches, thermostats, picture frames or anything they can hide into, on the ceiling to drop off on the bed…etc.

Bedbugs are classified as crawlers but they are not, bedbugs are climbers with hooks at the end of their legs to give them a grip. They find it very easy to climb on wood, fabric, clothes, anything with asperities that they can hang from. Smooth surfaces are more difficult and they slip and fall off more often on them. Glass, porcelain, polished metal, smooth and shiny plastics are natural bedbug barriers because bedbugs cannot hook into them or only with difficulties. The smoother the surface is, the more difficult it is for the bedbug to hang to it.

Scotch tape makes the best bedbug barriers. Their top shiny side is so smooth and slick that bedbugs can only climb up on it at a 90 angle with a great deal of work, losing their grip and falling off them most of the time. At 180 degree no bedbug can hang on. So we use a strip of scotch tape all along the perimeter of the ceiling to stop all possible bedbug traffic and that make sense. It is also true to stop bedbugs from going up the wall from the floor. A strip of Scotch tape above the baseboard of the walls and over heaters will keep any bedbug from climbing any further up because bedbugs are not be able to climb on it or only with great difficulties.

Damn! We were so close to have barriers that we could use to control where bedbugs go and be plagued by a doubt that some bedbugs can go through it! A barrier is good only if none of them can do it. And it better be a 100% guarantee. 

Enters Talcum powder.

Brush the surface of the Scotch tape with talcum powder and bedbugs will lose whatever grip they had on the Scotch tape. The strip of tape becomes impossible to cross. It is the perfect bedbug barrier that can be fitted to our needs at extreme low cost.

Can be used on bed legs to make interceptors, keeping a bedbug on the floor from climbing up to the bed. Underneath furniture to keep bedbugs from getting into it.

It does not have to be larger than ½” since adult bedbugs are less than ¼”. Amazing, very discrete barriers, hardly noticeable yet 100% guaranteed to stop all foraging bedbugs and make them fall down to the floor where we want them. Off the ceiling, off the walls and off the furniture. Force bedbugs down to the floor where the traps are and you will catch them all.

Bedbugs in baseboards and below the strip of Scotch tape are unable to go up the wall and will go towards the bed when they will come out to feed where traps are waiting for them

Barriers keeps the bedbugs from going anywhere but towards the traps. We got them surrounded and control their circulation.

Want to get rid of the bedbug, do not let them go wherever they want and stop feeding them. They will be eager to go into the traps

What do you know, we can outsmart bedbugs! 


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